Another item recently sold by The Evil-Lyn costume! I never picked up on the snake designs sprinkled throughout her costume while viewing the film. It's especially intriguing in light of the fact that the Snakemen were going to appear in the film until they were dropped for budgetary reasons. Perhaps Evil-Lyn controlled the Snakemen at one point?
Can I just say that I am so impressed and overjoyed with what you're doing with this blog. It really has been a joy to read through these entries and find out not only about a movie that I love but that there's other people who remember and respect it also. Right on.
Can I just say that I am so impressed and overjoyed with what you're doing with this blog. It really has been a joy to read through these entries and find out not only about a movie that I love but that there's other people who remember and respect it also. Right on.